Special session “(In-)Visibility in the Digital Age”, 63rd annual meeting of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), 9-11 May 2018, Mannheim.
- Moderation: Linke, C.
- Panel presentations:
- Engelmann, J. (2018). Conditions of (in-)visible discussion quality on the internet.
- Linke, C. (2018). Visibility and invisibility of diversity: Unequal medial production, representation, and reception.
- Lobinger, K. (2018). The complex relationship between visibility and participation in online contexts: Visual representations, norms, structures.
- Lohmeier, C. (2018). (In-)Visibilities alternating in mediatised remembering and forgetting.
- Springer, N. (2018). Concerted and conserved—how online user comments are used strategically to make (deviant) opinions loud and visible online.
- Stehle, H. (2018). On the visibility of organisations in the digital age: Theoretical and empirical perspectives of communication research.